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Fire Insurance Information

This guide is designed to assist insurance companies determine your risk. These answers are specific to properties located within the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District.

Commonly Asked Questions From Insurance Agencies 

How many fire engines with pumps do you have?

  • Ten

How many gallons of water do you carry? What is the water capacity of your fire engines? What is the size of the pumps?

  • One fire engine (pumper) carries 300 gallons, with a 250 gpm pump.
  • One fire engine (pumper) carries 340 gallons, with a 250 gpm pump.
  • Four engines (pumpers) carry 500 gallons each, with 500 gpm pumps.
  • Two engines (pumpers) carry 600 gallons each, with 1,250 gpm pumps.
  • One water tender (tanker) carries 3,500 gallons, with a 1,000 gpm pump.
  • One water tender (tanker) carries 1,750 gallons, with a 375 gpm pump.

How many fire stations do you have?

  • Four. Three stations are staffed by volunteers. One station is permanently staffed.
  1. Geyserville Fire Station - 20975 Geyserville Avenue, Geyserville
  2. Alexander Valley Fire Station - 6571 Highway 128, Healdsburg
  3. Dry Creek Valley Fire Station - 3697 Dry Creek Road, Healdsburg
  4. Franz/Knights Valley Fire Station - 16850 Spencer Lane, Calistoga

Is this a volunteer, paid, or combination fire department? 

  • Combination. We have both paid and volunteer firefighters.

What is the response time to my house? 

  • Use google maps or other similar mapping tool to determine the distance from your house to the nearest fire station.

Do you have agreements with neighboring agencies to assist you?

  • Automatic aid agreements are in place for all adjacent areas and with the City of Calistoga in Napa County.

What is your ISO rating? 

  • Please contact ISO directly for your ISO rating. ISO is a for-profit organization that provides statistical information on risk. We are not affiliated with ISO.


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