Tuition Reimbursement Policy
Purpose and Scope
The Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District appreciates and encourages members who are willing to devote their time to education and training. This tuition reimbursement policy is intended to encourage members to become better qualified for their present duties and to prepare for advancement within the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District by taking courses from an accredited institution.
While the organization is not in a position to fully fund this endeavor, the Districtis committed to assisting employees as funds are available. These funds come directly out of the training budget and are limited to one lump sum that needs to be distributed equitably across all interested employees.
It is the policy of the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District to establish a tuition reimbursement policy that is fair, equitable and sustainable for all and to review requests for tuition reimbursement to ensure the following criteria are met The Fire Chiefor the Assistant Fire Chief will review requests for tuition reimbursement to ensure the following criteria are met.
- Eligibility:To be approved, a course must have as its purpose the objective of improving the capacity of the member to perform the duties to which they are assigned or to increase their readiness to assume broader responsibilities within the realm of public safety. Where practical, members will be encouraged to attend local, public education institutions.
- Funds Availability: A portion of the employee's costs may be reimbursed in the amount specified by the District. This includes tuition, registration fees, laboratory or similar materials fees, and fees for parking. Specifically excluded are student body fees and fees levied for student services or social activities.
- Other Considerations:Class assignments should be completed on employee's own time. No compensation in any from will be authorized for the completion of class assignments.
Use of District vehicles for transportation to and from a class must be approved in advance. The decision to allow the use of a District vehicle will be at the discretion of the Fire Chief. Any mileage or transportation costs are subject to approval by the Fire Chief.
In order to request a tuition reimbursement, a grade of satisfactory (e.g., C or better) must be achieved.
Reimbursement Requirements
Approval of the Fire Chief or the authorized designee should be obtained in advance of enrollment. To request reimbursement, satisfactory evidence of fees paid, other allowable expenses and proof of satisfactory completion of the course must be submitted to the Fire Chief or authorized designee for approval and then forwarded for processing of the payment. Copies of diplomas, certificates or grade notices shall be retained in the employee's file.
Each individual shall pay for the classes up front and upon successful completion of the course with a passing grade, or credit/no credit, the individual would then submit a reimbursement request, with receipts and transcript or other proof of completionattached for the amount paid.
A copy of the transcript with the grade and a copy of either the credit card statement or a canceled check for the amount paid.
The Fire Chief or designee is responsible for the administration and coordination of this policy. The District should use this policy for employee development in keeping with district goals and with the current and anticipated needs. The Fire Chief should administer this policy for the employees within the limits of the funds that have been allocated for this purpose.
The Training Officer should retain all records of training completed by employees in accordance with established records retention schedules.
Tax Considerations
It is highly recommended that employees receiving a reimbursement consult with their tax adviser. Tuition reimbursement may be considered taxable income in some instances.